Study of speechs in the narrative discourse of Jalal Al-e- Ahmad's stories Relying on views of Gérard Genette and Dominique Maingeneau

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member of tabriz University

2 Faculty member of Tabriz University


Today the study of narrative discourse in the stories and novels has occupied a special status in the literary criticism. In the meantime, the study of that part of the narration, which is expressed not by the narrator himself, but by his characters has been given a special emphasis by discourse studies. Jalal Al-e-Ahmad is one of the authors who prefer to structur their stories by an alternance between the narrator and character's discours. For this purpose, the narrator of Jalal uses the common and classical type of direct and indirect speechs, as well as the free indirect speech, interior monologue and narratized discourse. But does he have any narrative or literary justification by using each types of speechs instead of other? The answer to this question is possible by a careful study of each type of speech, relying on critiques of discoursive and narrative field, such as Gérard Genette and Dominique Maingeneau, and by studying their function and their unique role in particular story situations. This study confirms that the narrator of Jalal, rather than taking the speech for himself, places this emphasis on his fictional characters. Indeed, Ahmad's realistic view of social issues has led him to choose two types of direct and indirect speechs on the other types of speechs, in order not to judge himself, but to transmit the word of character to the reader, and put him in free judgment. On the other hand, the narrator seems to have often devoted the interior monologue to stories that rely on the mental complexity of characters.


الف) کتاب­ها:
1- آل احمد، جلال(1357)، ارزیابی شتاب­زده، تهران، انتشارات رواق.
2- آل احمد، جلال(1374)، از رنجی که می­بریم، تهران، انتشارات فردوس.
3- -----------(1384) پنج داستان، تهران، نشر معین.
4- -----------(1372)، دید و بازدید، تهران، انتشارات فردوس.
5- -----------(1376)، زن زیادی، تهران، انتشارات فردوس.
6- -----------(1357)، سه تار، تهران، چاپخانة سپهر.
7- -----------(1385)، غرب­زدگی، قم، نشر خرّم.
8- -----------(1350)، مدیر مدرسه، تهران، انتشارات امیرکبیر.
9- -----------(1346)، نفرین زمین، تهران، انتشارات نیل.
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