Reflection of Historical Events and Personalities in Khorasani Style Poetry with Emphasis on Farrokhi Sistani and Manouchehri Poems

Document Type : Research Paper


1 yazd university




One of the most important characteristics of the Khorasani Poetry Style is “literary representation”. The poets of this era were so bounded to objectivism, that their poems are a mirror before the face of historical events of the day. In this era, governmental shelter on Persian language and literature caused a qualitative- quantitative development of the poets and their poetry. Among the poets of this era, Farrokhi Sistani and Manouchehri Damghanai have spent their life in the Ghaznavids’ courts: Farrokhi in the king Mahmud’s and Manouchehri in the king Masoud’s one. Although these two poets live in the same Ghaznavid’s court, in very closed periods of time, and both have the same Khorasani Style in their poetry, there are differences in the method of their representation of historical realities, along with some usual similarities. In this survey which is held through a library- comparative- analytical method, we will try to show the similarities and differences of their way of representing the historical events and characters. It is cleared that these two poets are both subjectivists and have shown the features of their own lives, related political men, praised men, disfavored men, and simply described ones, along with historical events like: wars, deposals, installations, celebrations, and the mourning ceremonies. However, there are differences in the amount, accuracy and favoritism of the data which are bounded to the characteristic of the poet and the day’s necessities.


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