Epic Traditions in Adib-e-Pishavaryʼs Gheysar Nameh

Document Type : Research Paper


golestan university, persian literature department



Adib Peshawari is one of the most prominent traditionalist poets of the contemporary era who educated in Afghanistan and Iran under the great masters of the time. He left behind various literary works in poetry and prose the most famous of which are the Persian-Arabic Divan and the Gheysarnameh. Gheysarnameh is a collection of epic poems influenced by Ferdowsi's Shahnameh in praise of the German Gheysar. In the world of literature, this epic is considered more related to literary traditions than the works of other epic writers. It is one of the most famous epics of the Constitutional Revolution period. In this study, the book is examined in terms of six main elements of the epic tradition including motivation, hero, structure, language, mythology and narrative context. The results show that the Adib’s motive was not nationalistic, and he wrote those poems because of the hatred and a sense of revenge for the British colonialism. He has used mythologies and described some of the characteristics of his hero in the format of epic traditions. Regarding the language, Adib is loyal to the language traditions, but, when choosing vocabulary, he does not pay attention to the textual content of the story. Moreover, there is no narrative structure in Gheysar Nameh, nor has the author paid attention to it at all.


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