A Study of the Narration Method in Haft Peikar

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

2 Faculty member of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman



Among successful studies expounding the mechanism of narratives, one can mention Todorov’s method of analysis in studying folktales. First, on the basis of logical relationship of structural units, he differentiates between two kinds of narration: methological narration and ideological narration. By describing the features of mythological narration, he has attended to this narratology from different aspects. By discovering the structure of this kind of narration Todorov has put forward his global grammer theory.
This article, besides describing the features of mythological and ideological narration, studies the kind of narratology of Haft peikar from this point of view. It is evident that the determination of the kind of narration. is an introduction to discovering the structure of the work and its effective application.
So first I will explain Todorov’s theory. Then, besides explaining the feature of narration types, I study Haft peikar. Finally, the type of Haft peikar narratology will be presented.
