Interpretation & Restudying of Sheykh San’an Symbolic-Poetical Tale

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Azerbaijan Teacher Training University



There are two ways of interpreting any mystical story: 1. study and analyze the paradoxical/reversed mystical terms 2. Study and analyze the theme of the story. Sheykh San’an tale as other mystical tales/stories has, from linguistic viewpoint, many paradoxical terms it signifies that the poet uses the words, terms or phrases and intends the reversed (censured/commendable) meanings of them; For example he uses the terms wine, blasphemy, infamy, etc. and intends their reversed/paradoxical meanings i.e. commendable meanings. He also uses the terms such as faith, Islam, religion, repentance, prayer, etc. and intends the reversed meanings of them i.e. censured meanings.
The theme of this mystical tale is based on the most famous mystical subject namely. “The four Journeys/Trips” (Asfar e arba’ah). Journey/trip in mystical-philosophical authorities is equal with motion of the soul or gradual changes in the mystic's soul. We can see these four separate Trips (Motions) into this celebrated symbolic-poetical story.
