Comparison of three Narrations of "Yousef and Zoleikha"

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor Tarbiat Modares University

2 Ph.D. student, Tarbiat Modares University



"Yousef and Zoleikha" is one of the famous stories in Persian literature and its one of Jami's "Haft-Ovrang".This story has been caused the great reflection in the Persian lyric poetry. The original story has come in Bible, but also it has come in Holy Quran (sure Yusofi with some differences and called "Ahsan-ol-qisas". It's only story of Quran which makes a complete "sura". About 90 verses works have been made in Persian &Turkish literature of this story. However these works have differences from original narration in Quran.
In this article, writers try to analyze three Persian narrations of these verses and also compare them. In this way, will speck the quantity of similarities and differences and also clear how much the persian poets are bound to the original narration in Quran. These three narrations are as follows: Toghanshahi "Yousef and Zoleikha "(5th or 6th century), Jami's "Yousef and Zoleikha" (9th Century), Khajeh masoud Qomi's "Yousef and Zoleikha" (9th century).
In the second part of this article, common motifs of the three narrations are compared and analyzed to clear the similarities and differences of the narrations.  
