The Ascension of Jesus in the Lyric Poetry of Sā’ib Tabrīzī

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Qom University



The image of Jesus in the lyric poems of Sā’ib Tabrīzī is especially outstanding so that we can present a fairly comprehensive reflection of this heavenly prophet by collecting couplets in this regard. Since the study of all aspects of this subject is beyond the scope of a single article, it is attempted to focus particularly on the ascension of Jesus in the poems of Sā’ib in order to analyze the philosophy behind the subject as well as its impact on the conceptual trends in his poetry. The descriptive analysis of the study shows that Sā’ib has integrated the Qur’ānīc and biblical texts as well as story books and literary traditions; and has made use of all details on this event to represent his ethical, mystical, social, theological, didactic, and lyric thoughts in the form of three pairs named Jesus-the fourth heaven, Jesus-the sun, and Jesus-the needle. This allusion has been used as a device in creating his themes and fantasies being effective in attracting more audience to his poems.


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