Mystic Concept of "Respite" from the Viewpoint of Sufis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Persian language and literature, Yazd University

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Yazd University



From the viewpoint of Sufism, the concept "respite" has two different meanings: the first meaning refers to vow and donation that people offer to monastery which can be led to its improvement. Although respite has own merits, it may be misused by some Sufis. The second meaning which is the matter of concern in this article is related to spiritual values that Sufis achieve. Supported by divine grace, these achievements help Sufis to access "unseen". These virtues sensed by Sufis increase their certainty and beliefs. in God. Achieved from the unlimited grace of God, these favors do belong to those pious who have had long-life endeavors and have guarded against evils during their life. A detailed discussion of "respite" has been provided in this article under six different subheadings: a) the literal meaning of the term respite, b) the mystical meaning, c) the relation between "heart and respite" d) the synonyms of the term and its relation to inspiration, e) its opposite meanings to inspiration, I) and finally the different concepts of respite.          
