Sociological Trends in the Poems of Scared Defense

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor Mohaghegh Ardabili University



Eight years of Iraq Imposed war and the Scared Defense of the people had immense effect in various areas of art and literature, especially on the poetry of the Scared Defense. The poetry of the Scared Defense which contained themes of perseverance, to fight against enemy, to protect cultural and religious values as well as national beliefs, to preserve the country's freedom and independence reflects most of the events and realities of the war through its literary devices. Its study makes us familiar with significant parts of our contemporary history of the country. Parts of the sociological tendencies of this kind of literature are reflected in the ways the people of the country showed their patriotic behaviors, their defense of their Islamic system, their fight against internal and external enemies of the country and finally their sympathy with other oppressed nations.      
