Humorous representation of love patterns in the poetry of Abolfazl Zarvi of Nasrabad

Document Type : Research Paper




The way love is expressed, like other emotions, is influenced by cultural factors, and by changing culture, attitudes toward love and the way it is expressed change. In Iran, following the acquaintance with modernity and the formation of new norms and values, attitudes about love changed and this led to the formation of different patterns about it. In order to recognize these changes and patterns, poetry Especially humorous poetry plays an important role. Accordingly, in this research, an attempt is made to study the subject of love in Nasrabad's Zarwi poems with a documentary method and to answer these questions: what patterns of love are represented in this poet's poem and what is the poet's attitude towards it? Have. The results show that the three patterns of modern, traditional and distilled love are reflected in Zarvi's poetry. To describe modern love, Zarvi has used the conceptual metaphor of "modern love as a commodity", which shows the effect of the consumption component on the attitude towards love in Iranian society and its reflection in the poetry of this poet. The presentation of love in colorful models, its portability and transferability, the lack of commitment in a romantic relationship and the desire for diversity in love are the most important features of modern love in Zarvi poetry. This satirical poet has pointed out some of its shortcomings, such as having a morbid attachment to the beloved and having a bitter end. According to him, distilled love, that is,


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