Investigating the Narrative Structure of Three Stories of Tarikh Beihaghi Based on the Griemas Model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 phD. student of tarbiat modaress universiyy

2 Associate professor of Tarbiat Modarres University


Beihaghi is known not only as a historical work but also as a prose work
in Persian literature. The history of the book goes back to one thousand years ago;
many people read this book eagerly and appreciate its author. In this
study we have investigated the reasons behind such great success. We believe that
this work has gone beyond historical base and has achieved a literary standard. To
confirm the idea, th
e story of Boobakr Hasiri, Afshin and Bidolaf story and
Khishkhaneh story have been selected for the study based on Grimas mode.
Based on the Semiotic Square, narrative chains and meaning formation process in
the story we concluded that these texts are sim
ilar to Griemas actantiel Model.
This similarity helps us to assure the readers that Tarikh Beihaghi has achieved a
literary standard in terms of Griemas actantiel Model used for the study.
