Mystical Education of Khanegha

Document Type : Research Paper


َAsstant Professor of Sistan & Baluchestan uniiversity


One of the most important issues in Sufi’s social life and “Khanghah” is
the ethics exist between “Moraad” (beloved) and “Morid” (devotee).
Morid (i.e. new student) considers his Moraad (i.e. instructor) as his mentor
in his spiritual journey submitting himself spiritually and worldly to his
Moraad. The Moraad who is a representative of divine education guides
him. However, the training m
ethods of the Moraad can be different for the
spiritual training of the Morid.
The foundation of this research is the amount of attention given to human
dignity in Islam. The author is investigating why Sufi’s education failed in
their training system. Thi
s research concludes the submission of Morid to
Moraad is the primary weakness of the Sufi’s training system. In this case,
the personality of the Morid can be humiliated and when sombody is
absolutely submitted to his Moraad may consequently cause lack of
of Morid. Furthermore, this result in idolization of the Moraad and
worshiping someone else except the God can be considered far from Islamic
One of the limitations of the current research is the insufficiency of the
ancient mystical
books written in
