Eternity of the Character in the Latest Story of SiminDaneshvar

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A Urmia University

2 ph.D Urmia University


Bless being caliph of human on the earth, bless” is the latest story from the last collection (Entekhab) of SiminDaneshvar.In this story the main character in facing death, reaches a belief of her own eternity and continuity through the next millennium in another skeleton with creating a content syndrome by the author in a intuition and illumination attitude. The objective of this study is Daneshvar’s tip analysis of the illustration of the character’s eternity in relation to the selection of the content that has been presented by the author. In this narrative, Daneshvar creates a deep-structural bed related to the theme, fighting to illustrate the eternity of the main character via illuminated discussions. In this way, she has reached the same essence with the typiocal “self” in mysticism and illumination.The result of the work demonstrates that the creation of this link has brought success to the author in illustrating the character’s eternity after her death.


الف- کتابها
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ب- مقالات
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