A Study of Ahmad Azizi's poems and Their Intertextual Relations with the Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 phD student of imamreza university

2 member of shahrekord university



One of the most attractive literary critical categories is to survey the poet's impression from the other texts. Azizi's poems are full of different intertextual elements and relations because of their impression from the Holy Quran. The profuse application of Quranic themes has made his poems to be studied with reference to the aspect of intertextuality.
The present research has employed a comparative method to survey the Azizi's impression from the holy Quran and the effect of thematic issues of the Holy Quran on the words, phrases, syntaxes used in Azizi's poems. The study also focuses on the quality of their application with respect to the kinds of intertextual relations. The study findings point out that among the kinds of intertextual relationships, the relation of his poems with the Holy Quran is the kind of cultural and intertextual one based on time. His poems are under the effect of lexical and syntactical significance of the Holy Quran sentences (talmih) from technical and literary points of view. From among these, the relationship of syntax and talmih is the most sensible kind of the intertextuality in two texts which are surveyed in the present study.


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