Study and analysis of the allusion in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Persian Language and Literature - Faculty of Humanities - Payame Noor University

2 Associate Professor of Payame Noor University of Tehran



The topic of this research is study and analysis of allusion in the Ferdowsi's Shahname. The aim's author for that, the answer has been to this question: "What are allusion and its artistic and rhetorical aspects in Ferdowsi’s mind and language?" The method of investigation in this paper has done analysis of content by librarical tools. The eduction of this research shows an eloquent similar Ferdowsi has been very erudition in the creation and originationu of generic and especial allusions because he has been acquainted intelligently of rhetorical and glossal aspects and specially of creation of the image in the allusion. Accordingly he has created generic allusions or attractive complex este'ares in Shahname and has remained to memento the kinds of the generic allusions such as: Implication and Symbol for persian speakers in the part of epical. Incomparable allusions such as: "Despatch the mattress to the Gehenna", " Someone's cow to be in the leather ", " The head of the sword not to see the pod ". In this path the ascribable approach is identifying the matchless allusions in innovative-epical genera in Shahnameh by utilizing the critique of allusion (relinquishing explicitness theory) and explanation of rhetorical characteristics of allusion in sixteen entries grounded in authentic sources in rhetoric. Ferdowsi is quite successful in exploiting this art to express his purpose, which is creation of an epical and literary work, and in this path has left a great asset behind him to Persian language.


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