Analysis of the Position of Women and Family Crisis in Contemporary Fictional Works Based on Two Persian Feminist Novels

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tarbiat Modares University

2 The faculty of Tarbiat Modares University

3 The Faculty Of Tarbiat Modares University



Feminist movement was established with the aim of defending women rights and has undergone many changes. The position of the family and other related discussions are among the issues of central concern to the feminists. Extreme feminists with their devaluing views of marital relationships, valid marriages, having children, marital commitment, etc., can endanger family stability especially in the modern world. In the meantime, through the creation of the fictional works with extreme approaches, the feminist writers have spread devaluing views about family and marital issues among their readers. Adopting a pathological approach, the present paper seeks to explore two of the feministic fictional works particularly associated with the position of women and family. These fictional works include "The Dog and the Long Winter," a novel by Shahrnoush Parsipour, and "My Bird," a novel by Fariba Vafi. The findings indicate that by creating weak personalities of women, promoting extreme views against men, casting doubt on the marriage and the valuable position of the family, not only have these selected works failed to improve the condition of women in their stories, but also they have created an identity crisis for them by dividing them from their natural and social roles and positions.


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