Digital Library, a Development in Library Services

Document Type : index


Library and Informatics Dept. Yazd University



What distinguishes the information age from the post-industrial society is the fact that the former often deals with information rather than materials. The present age is that of the ability to select right information at a right time, to know where and when and how to research, and to avoid searching for the already - known. This assumes a duty for librarians to provide their clients with information in whatever way at whatever time and place they require. What is determining in this case is the user's demand not what the library likes to provide. Informatics today is, fortunately, developing to the ideal. In tune with it, libraries have long started their development, from traditional to automatic and then to electronic and figurative. The trend has brought drastic changes to the traditional from, basic aims and service range of libraries. The changes caused by the rapid growth of technology have swept all types of libraries, specialized, public, collegiate, etc. Technological boom, though sweeping, is not predictable in results; no one can say for sure what is destined for libraries in the future. So, it is the duty of librarians and other authorities in the field to utilize whatever forthcoming technological advances in optimizing their libraries all around. The present article studies the structural changes libraries have undergone in the light of technological developments.
