Strangeness and Unfamiliarity of Saalike’s Poetry in Illiteracy Period

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Yazd University



Universalization of human beings in all periods of history has been witnessed of changes. Scientific and philosophical theories, external and internal realities, political events and so on, have provided the context for such changes and differences. Internal realities in tribal society during illiteracy period has provided the context for the acceptance of antagonizing idea with such society. The outcome of this opposition has been internal escape and strangeness, negation of social tradition and custom, social differences and segregation in the opposition, nostalgia and dependence on ideals of humanity, in other words, hope for existing realities in illetrated society. The poetry of Saalik in this period manifests the picture of such thoughts and ideas. This article aims at some of the most important approaches of this period.
