Types of complaint in Nima Yushij’s poems

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Persian language and literature, Arak Azad University

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Arak Azad University



      Complaint is one of the lyrical species.in which the poet expresses his annoyance about the painful events of life and miseries. The examination of complaints can acquaint the audience with the personal circumstances of the speakers and the socio-political situation of their time. In Nima yoshij,s  poems, which is really a full-length mirror image of the life at his time, all kinds of complaints are expressed. This research is done through a descriptive-analytical method to examine social, political, personal and philosophical grievances. Undoubtedly, the mystical complaints in Nima’s poetry cannot be plotted, but, among the species of complaints, social and political grievances in his symbolic language and social commitment are dramatic. Nima's grievances in his early poems are more personal, but his grievances gradually take up a social color. The dictatorship and autocracy of his age make him criticize incapable and incompetent rulers. In addition, the ignorance of people brought him a lot of pain. In his lyrics, he strongly complains about the consequences of the World War and the poverty and illness of the people, the deviation of political movements, their abuse of the lower masses and the feudal system.


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