The Order of Numbers in the Private Style of Khagani-e-shalvani

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Tarbiat Modares University

2 Associate Professor Tarbiat Modares University



Stylistic analysis of significant literary works is of great importance as a scientific and methodological approach toward the literary theory and criticism, in which, differentiation of style elements, as its smallest components in terms of both form and function, plays an important role in demonstrating some specific corners of the artist’s world and his attitude toward the world.
Articulation of Khagani-e-sharvani in his odes (Qasideh) has long been interesting for the poets, researchers, and critics from point of view of both form and content. This part of his poetry, beside the characteristics of the period style, enjoys some specific and private features that need very deep and precise stylistic investigation to be understood. Among them is the selection and orderly use of digits. This linguistic feature has reached an innovative point in his works for frequent usages, as he follows certain rhetoric and artistic goals through developing various analogies among the numbers.
The present paper tries to illustrate the different manifestations of this linguistic innovation, as an individual feature in the rhetoric style of Khaghani-e-sharvcmi.
