A Study of Sepehri's Poems Based on Phenomenology Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Persian language and literature, Semnan University

2 Assistant Professor of Semnan University



Phenomenology is one of the outstanding theories in contemporary literary criticism so literary criticism followers of reader-response theory have based all their theories on it. Husserl's theory, belongs to eminent phenomenologist Husserl, is mainly based on existing phenomenon in the world that are only meaningful from observers' point of view and man's mind is the origin of all conceptions. The only way of understanding symbols and their meanings is an evidenced-view. Base of Husserl's phenomenological aspect is new point of view over the phenomena in order to reach the essence of objects that in the case sense understanding with phenomena deserves special importance. This conception, will lead to flowing semantic and universe-based one. This approach, for analysis method is efficient. Phenomenological analysis of Persian literature works can open new horizons to the analysis of Persian poetry and brings a new reading of them. Sepehri, as the poet and the owner of influencing style, explains his intuitive scenarios, and possesses a new and unusual look at the findings which deserves him to be considered as an intuitive poet. Sepehri's look at the universe is an "Emerging and Revelation" look. Sepehri retells his interpretation of naturally objective existence of events and gives them their semi logically impressive structure. This paper in a descriptive and analytical way and in interactive communication with phenomenological view and semio- semantics, offers a sample of his poems and evaluates and shows a new discourse in Sepehri's poems. In the light of the new look, the article presents a new interpretation of his poems.        
