A Lingu-Paradigmatic Approach to The Retinue of Tagin-Abad’s Letter Based on George Yule’s Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Hakim Sabzevari University

2 Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature at Hakim Sabzevari University



Language as an effective tool in the continuous exchange of thought, emotion and experience is a prominent feature of man. The fundamental importance of language in creating the communication process has caused the components of this systematic body to be researched and studied by experts in the field of linguistics from various angles, and the need for research in the application of pragmatics is an important form of linguistic research. Pragmatics is the study of co- text meaning and the exploration of invisible meanings that the speaker / writer intends to convey. In the meantime, "court letters" stand such an analysis well because they sometimes find special, extraordinary, and sensitive tasks; Letters that, because of their existential characteristics, such as distinct political conditions, power struggles, areas of confrontation between social classes, specific audiences, and the like, are considered outstanding and thought-provoking works. Based on the pragmatic theories of Yule, the present article examines one of the most prominent court letters, "Letter from the nobles of the Ghaznavid state to Massoud " in Tarikh Beyhaqi, and examines the implicative message and speech acts of this letter. Realizing the overt and covert messages of this letter is crucial because this strategy not only reflects the power structure and social and human relations that reflect the hidden efforts of the authors in changing the current political situation. The present study can be used as a window to understand the special treatment of certain types of literary texts, "court letters".


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