Technique of musical terms ambiguity used by Assar-e-Tabrizi in Comparison with Nezami and Hafiz

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D student of Persian language and literature, Urmia University

2 Professor of Persian language and literature, Urmia University

3 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Urmia University



Being correlatives, poetry and music have always had an ancient similar standing versus the question of time, even though, over the course of centuries, each has evolved into an independent field. In some poems, ambiguity stands out as a literary device, and the use of ambiguous words and sentences attracts special attention to the point of imposing itself as a feature of style. It is more so when it blends with music to take the reader by wonder and surprise. Assar-e-Tabrizi is a poet, beside a few others, to have achieved perfection in using the technique. In this study, all the lines in Assar's couplet ‘The Sun and Jupiter’ (Mehr Va Moshtari) and the poems of Khosrow and Shirin composed by Nezami were carefully examined in search of instances of musical ambiguity to be compared and contrasted with the sonnets by Hafiz. So, three poets were compared. The findings show that Assar and Hafiz have a lot in common when it comes to musical ambiguity, with Assar making a few innovative moves missing in Hafiz. The term ‘Shahnaz’ is one such move. In fact, the claim can be legitimately made that, concerning ambiguity and particularly musical ambiguity, Assar is as great and distinguished a poet as Hafiz, and he has used these literary items more than Nezami.


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