"Darab -
Nameh" is a long narrative abou
t Firooz shah's conquests, who is
Malek Darab's son.
It is an epic
romance story of eighth century, and a sample of folklore
literature. In formalism, according to Vladimir prop's pattern, an attempt is made
to apply a formalistic pattern to a literary tex
t especially to a folklore. In this
method, the stories are described according to their organizing (forming) parts and
the interrelations of these parts with each other and with the whole story. The main
aim of the research is to determine the main struct
ure (master form) of the story.
Nameh posturizes different events causing confusions and chaos which
occur in Iran's army. To remove the anarchy in the army, a hero moves to the
scene. Although the events which the hero faces are diverse and apparen
different, they all have a more or less similar structure. Applying the formalistic
pattern to Darab
Nameh" has led to the recognition of two kinds of hero's move
toward the war in the story. The first type has a simple and direct process with one
. The second is the combination of some departures. These departures, which
are usually to compensate the disaster, are connected to each other in a point,
which is often determined by destiny. The element of wickedness and the type of
wicked in the story,
which makes the departures different, is divided into human
and non
human (supernatural). Each kind of wickedness needs a special reaction
of the heroes.