Nezami is known as a lyric poet who follows the lyric school, but a investigation of his works, shows that he is eloquent, wise man and witty (skillful) superior in creation of meaning. He is a world-wide scholar and a powerful poet who is not only as the producer of meaning but also has such a power that can make a complex poetic and artistic elements in his work with new messages to the modern people. With a descriptive-analytical approach, the researchers have made a complete investigation in Makhzan-al-Asrar and Iqbal Nameh to reveal their universal and humanistic messages. The results of the study clearly show that the main theme of his works refers to the potentials of human existence which can bring peace to human mind. Among Nezami's teachings are the dignity of human life which urges for security and peace and also opposition against any transgression.
Sadaghi, M. , Ghobadi, H. and Nikubakht, N. (2012). The Nezami's Humanistic Message to the People of the World. Journal of Kavoshnameh in Persian Language and Literature, 13(25), 57-86.
Sadaghi, M. , , Ghobadi, H. , and Nikubakht, N. . "The Nezami's Humanistic Message to the People of the World", Journal of Kavoshnameh in Persian Language and Literature, 13, 25, 2012, 57-86.
Sadaghi, M., Ghobadi, H., Nikubakht, N. (2012). 'The Nezami's Humanistic Message to the People of the World', Journal of Kavoshnameh in Persian Language and Literature, 13(25), pp. 57-86.
M. Sadaghi , H. Ghobadi and N. Nikubakht, "The Nezami's Humanistic Message to the People of the World," Journal of Kavoshnameh in Persian Language and Literature, 13 25 (2012): 57-86,
Sadaghi, M., Ghobadi, H., Nikubakht, N. The Nezami's Humanistic Message to the People of the World. Journal of Kavoshnameh in Persian Language and Literature, 2012; 13(25): 57-86.