Disappointment of the Court Poets from the Beginning of Persian Poetry to Mongol Invasion

Document Type : Research Paper




With the establishment of Iranian governments through the third and fourth centuries A.H. and their encouragement, more and more poets inclined to poetry. During the reign of non-Iranian governments ruling after the Samanid era, this trend continued even more highly than before. So that a great number of scientists and the learned ones in hope for income and profits, began to compose panegyric poems about the kings and dignitaries. One can find some details about the rewards and applauds gained by the poets at courts in different historical and anthology books. Meanwhile, joining the court and attendance of the kings has caused some sufferings and disappointments for them, too.
The court environment created dangers and limited the freedom of the poets. In many cases, it even made them tolerate insults and pains while sometimes they only achieved a little sum of money. As a result of this condition which continued more intensely through the fifth and sixth centuries, we find many poets who displayed hatred towards poetry or even left the court.
In this essay, firstly, the variety of disappointments imposed on the poets during the period between the rise of Persian poetry and the Mongol invasion is investigated. We can enumerate them according to the quantity and frequency of each one as follows: Poverty and lack of welfare, disability to travel through the country or abroad being forgotten and lack of attention towards them, being imprisoned, banishment from the court, unexpected death subject to court conditions, being lampooned, deposal of ones, tenure, going on exile, being under legal pursuance, requisition of patrimony and tolerating base jobs.
After that, the cause of these disappointments is studied which shows that the dictatorship of the rulers in this era, the change in political and social conditions, the increase in the number of poets and the meanness of the patrons along with some psychological factors in the poets' characters as well as ill fate in some cases have affected the appearance of these disappointments. This part also deals with the poems including apology, complaint and self-glorying of the poets mainly caused by their disappointments


الف) کتاب ها
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ب) مقالات
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